Modern Health Solution stands at the forefront of digital healthcare, specializing in comprehensive and holistic care for individuals battling autoimmune conditions. As the world's premier clinic in this field, we offer a fusion of cutting-edge digital convenience with deeply personalized, holistic health strategies. Our focus is on providing transformative care that addresses not just the symptoms, but the root causes of autoimmune conditions, carving a path to lasting wellness and vitality.


Dr. Kristin Wild

Dr. Kristin Wild, PhD

With a passion for holistic healing and a rich academic background, Dr. Kristin Wild is a vanguard in the field of health and wellness. As the founder of Modern Health Solution™, she brings a unique blend of expertise, holding a Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD in Metaphysics, complemented by a diploma in Applied Psychology.

A recognized authority and innovator, Dr. Kristin's journey is both personal and professional. Having endured a decade-long battle with three autoimmune diseases that nearly took her life, she delved deep into self-study, formal education, and hands-on experimentation. Through this relentless pursuit, she has unlocked groundbreaking approaches to restoring health at the cellular level.

Her pioneering work, including the development of the therapy modality "Awareness Therapy," has earned her accolades and recognition as an award-winning health educator and speaker. Dr. Kristin's expertise extends beyond overcoming autoimmune conditions to encompass quantum physics, natural healing, and mental health.

A sought-after guest in the realms of podcasts and television, Dr. Kristin's insights and experiences make her a compelling and inspirational voice. She is dedicated to supporting others in their journey to health, empowering them with the knowledge and tools to navigate and triumph over their own health challenges.
Dr. Kristin Wild

Jaye Siegmueller

Jaye embodies a unique blend of entrepreneurial acumen and spiritual wisdom. Renowned for her success as a serial social entrepreneur, she has not only established multiple six & seven-figure companies but also carved a niche as a plant medicine expert. Her remarkable journey has earned her numerous accolades, including appearances on Canada's hit show 'Dragon's Den.'

Over the years, Jaye's path has evolved, leading her to cultivate a profound spiritual practice. This transformation has now become the cornerstone of her life's work, as she dedicates herself to guiding others on their journey to self-discovery and fulfillment. With Jaye, the pursuit of meaning and purpose goes hand-in-hand with enjoying material prosperity.

A pivotal experience in her life was her deep immersion with Amazonian tribes. Her time in the Amazonian jungle not only enriched her understanding of plant medicine and indigenous wisdom but also led to collaborations with notable figures like Deepak Chopra and his foundation.

As a coach at Modern Health Solution, Jaye combines her entrepreneurial spirit with her spiritual insights, teaching others how to find balance, purpose, and joy in both their personal and professional lives.
Dr. Kristin Wild

Sarah Shepherd

Sarah's reputation as the "practitioner's practitioner" is a testament to her extensive expertise and depth of knowledge in holistic health. With a career spanning over two decades, she has honed her skills in a diverse range of health modalities. Sarah is not only a proficient yoga practitioner and massage therapist but also a certified Genekeys guide.

Her specialization in the nervous system has made her an invaluable asset to Modern Health Solution. As a somatic coach, she skillfully guides participants towards achieving mind-body coherence, teaching them effective techniques to soothe and balance their nervous system.

Beyond her technical expertise, Sarah possesses a unique ability to help individuals gain clarity on their life's purpose. She excels in providing practical, actionable steps, enabling participants to turn their dreams into reality. Her holistic approach encompasses not only physical wellness but also personal growth and fulfillment.

At Modern Health Solution, Sarah's passion and knowledge inspire participants to embrace a journey of comprehensive healing and self-discovery.
Dr. Kristin Wild

Tina Berlin

Tina's journey in the realm of holistic health and personal development is marked by a relentless quest for understanding the essence of a meaningful and fulfilling life. Her curiosity and passion for wellness began in her early 20s while working in the medical field, calibrating and repairing medical research equipment. It was there that she pondered a pivotal question: “How do we change to heal and live a vibrant, full life?”

Over the years, Tina's pursuit of this question has led her through a rich tapestry of experiences and learning. From engaging with masters in science, spirituality, and herbalism, to immersing herself in shamanism and homesteading, her journey has been diverse and enlightening. As a single parent raising four children, she has also gained practical insights into the complexities of life and the resilience of the human spirit.

At Modern Health Solution, Tina brings her wealth of knowledge and experience as an Integrative Wellness Coach. She skillfully blends science with shamanistic principles, sound calibration, Reiki, and the power of genuine heart-to-heart connections. Her approach is rooted in the belief that each person has the potential to live their life to its fullest expression and embodiment.

Join Tina for 'Tea Time With Tina,' a space where she explores the fascinating aspects of personal evolution and empowerment. Expect enlightening discussions on harnessing your unique potential and navigating the journey of self-discovery. We look forward to sharing these transformative moments with you!
Dr. Kristin Wild


As a pioneer in the intersection of holistic health and technology, Brett Ellis brings a unique perspective to Modern Health Solution as the Biohacking and Longevity Coach. The founder of mindfulMEDS and Psychë Epigenetics, Brett is at the forefront of exploring the intricate relationships between the mind, body, and spirit.

His passion lies in harnessing the transformative potential of psychedelics, natural medicines, biohacking, and advanced mindset techniques. Brett's approach centers on utilizing these cutting-edge modalities to facilitate profound healing and personal growth, unlocking the vast untapped potential within each individual.

Brett's professional background in power engineering has significantly influenced his interest in the interplay of energies and frequencies with the human body. This unique blend of technical expertise and holistic wellness places him in a prime position to guide others through their journey of biohacking and longevity.

At Modern Health Solution, Brett is dedicated to leading participants into uncharted territories of wellness, where the boundaries of possibility are continually expanded. His work is an ongoing exploration into the depths of human capability, offering innovative pathways to health, vitality, and an elevated state of being.
Dr. Kristin Wild


Sophie, affectionately known as the "Jill of all Trades" at Modern Health Solution, is the linchpin of our daily operations. As both Dr. Kristin's Personal Assistant and the Office Manager, her versatility and can-do attitude make her an indispensable member of our team.

With an exceptional talent for multitasking and a keen eye for detail, Sophie ensures that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. From administrative tasks to managing schedules and coordinating with other team members, her skills and dedication are the driving force behind our seamless efficiency.

Sophie's adaptability and problem-solving abilities mean that no challenge is too great, and she approaches each task with a positive, solution-focused mindset. Her role is crucial in supporting the overall mission of Modern Health Solution, enabling us to focus on delivering exceptional care and support to our clients.

In the dynamic environment of holistic health, Sophie's contribution is more than just organizational; it's about creating a harmonious and productive workspace where innovation and healing can thrive.
Dr. Kristin Wild


At the heart of Modern Health Solution's commitment to compassionate care and personalized service is Jenn, our dedicated Community Support Advocate. With her innate empathy and kind-hearted nature, Jenn plays a pivotal role in guiding and supporting our clients through their healing journey.

Jenn's primary mission is to assist individuals in navigating the array of services offered at Modern Health Solution. She excels in helping clients identify which programs and approaches are most suited to their unique needs, ensuring that each person receives the tailored support they require. Her intuitive understanding of individual struggles allows her to connect deeply with clients, providing them with the resources and reassurance they need to make informed decisions about their health.

Her empathetic approach stems from a genuine desire to alleviate suffering and aid those in their quest for wellness. Jenn's warmth and attentiveness make her an invaluable resource for our community, offering a listening ear, and unwavering support.

In her role as a Community Support Advocate, Jenn embodies the values of Modern Health Solution: compassion, understanding, and a commitment to holistic health. Her contributions not only enhance our clients' experiences but also reinforce the nurturing and inclusive environment that is the cornerstone of our practice.



Office Hours (Pacific Standard Time)

Monday:  9:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday:  9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fridays, Holidays, Weekends:  Closed

1-3485 Velocity Ave
Kelowna, BC
V1V 3C2



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